81 innovations containing 'sensor'

A bar which uses cameras to create a long touchscreen surface and interactive shadows

Interactive Shadows and Super Bar

To create the mood in a party to celebrate the launch of Audi TT in SãoPaulo, Brazil, SuperUber developed two multimedia projects, Super Bar andInteractive Shadows. They had the help of Muti Randolph, which createdthe images and cenography to the party. The Super Bar uses a camerawith a sensor to create a very long touchscreen interface. When someoneputs a glass our touches the bar, the point is connected with lines toother points. The lines create connections between the objects andhands over the bar.

The other installation, Interactive Shadows (Sombras Interativas)was located at the entrance of the party, and was meant to be anintroduction to what was to come. The people could interact with theimages projected, in a way that the profile of the person acted as amask, revealing the hidden footage. These interactive projections are arevolution, allowing the guest to interact with the projections usingmovements of his body.

Source: superuber.com.brAdded: 19 July 2007