"Shower Shock" caffeinated soap

Tired of waking up and having to wait for your morning java to brew?Are you one of those groggy early morning types that just needs thatextra kick? Know any programmers who dont regularly bathe and need somespecial motivation? Introducing Shower Shock, the original and world'sfirst caffeinated soap.
Shower Shock is an all vegetable based glycerine soap which does *not*contain any harsh ingredients like ethanol, diethanolamine,polyethylene glycol or cocyl isethionate. So it's a gently invigoratingsoap ;) Scented with peppermint oil and infused with caffeineanhydrous, each bar of Shower shock contains approximately 12servings/showers per 4 ounce bar with 200 milligrams of caffeine perserving. No, we're not kidding and no you don't eat it. The caffeine isabsorbed through the skin...

Source: thinkgeek.comAdded: 19 July 2007