81 innovations containing 'sensor'

device allows gadgets to be controlled with hand signals

Control gadgets with hand signals

Part of the appeal would definitely be the "gimmicky" Wiimote thatis often talked about, enabling casual or new gamers to pick up gamingand be of some good without having any prior experience. Australianscientists have taken this idea and came up a device which enables TVviewers to change channels, turn on the DVD player, or even turn offthe TV with a simple hand gesture.

There is an integrated camera in the controller which recognizes upto seven simple hand gestures, and is smart enough to be compatiblewith eight different controllers around the home. This wave controllerwill most probably make an appearance in the market by 2010 as thedevelopment team attempts to remove any more niggling issues. Thisdevice must sit on a shelf or table which has a clear line of sight toboth the TV and owner in order to work properly. While initial studiesshow that light sources will not affect the camera just like how theWii’s sensor bar does not register certain movements in the presence ofdirect sunlight, it remains to be seen whether that holds true acrossall homes where some of them are always flooded with bright sunlightduring the day.

Source: internationalreporter.comAdded: 17 July 2007