Liika ironing board

Home Interior student Tony Zakrajsek received a 2006 NienkamperAward for his thesis about a boomerang shaped ironing board usingreticulating tripod fitted with large, pivoting suction cups. Thisfeature not only allows it to either stand on it's own, but can also besecured to any non porous surface. Not only does this allow for doingyour ironing just about anywhere, but it also provides for flexible andcomfortable height adjustment that conventional ironing boards don'tprovide enough of. If you're a tall person, you will understand whatthat means.

In addition, the suction arms, which rotate and pivot, offer a largerange of motion allowing the Liika to conform to almost any householdarea, such as counter tops, windows and walls. And when not in use, itconveniently collaspes to a fraction of an inch, flush against the wall.

Source: liika.caAdded: 18 June 2007