Free photocopies for students

An innovative Japanese company is offering university students free photocopies. This free loveis made possible by printing ads on the back of the copy paper, whichis slightly thicker than normal to prevent ads from shining through.For JPY 400,000, advertisers can have their message printed on 10,000sheets of paper.

Tadacopy machines have beenplaced at a few dozen campuses, and are a big hit with students. Thecompany was founded by students at the universities of Keio, Chuo andHosei, who installed the first free copy machine in April of last year.Nice one for student entrepreneurs to set up in other countries! You'llmake some extra money, your fellow students will thank you, and localadvertisers will be able to reach a targeted audience in a novel way.Like any good free love concept, it’s a win-win-win situation.

Source: tadacopy.comAdded: 30 May 2007