No fog snow goggles

Nothing ruins your snow sport experience more than a pair of gogglesthat fogs or doesn't fit right. Not to mention, trying to find a lensthat works perfect in all conditions. Zeal Optics provides you with agoggle that resolves these issues! Zeal Goggles are made from thefinest materials.

World's First Photochromatic and Polarized Self Adjusting Goggle ZB13PPX Photo-Polar features a unique multi layer lens has a glare cuttingpolarized filter and Photo-Chromatic layering that allows the lens toactually change from dark to light depending on changing lightconditions. So you get two separate lens features in one lens. The PPXlens reduces the need to change out lenses or change eyewear, so youspend more time enjoying uninterrupted, clear vision.

Zeal Optics "NO FOG" lenses. How do we do it? Actuallythis a unique process of infusing an anti-fog agent into the inner lensmaterial as it is being made. It is expensive and that is why you won'tfind the NO-FOG treatment in most other brand name goggles. It willnever rub off or smear while cleaning.

Source: zealoptics.comAdded: 15 May 2007