Ultra-thin DVDs

The development of new volume optical storage technology has been announced by Hitachi Maxell, Ltd. The storage technology can provide terabyte-level storage capacity in a compact device. Relying on unique nanoimprint technology, the company has succeeded in reducing the thickness of DVDs to 0.092 mm. That is 1/13th the thickness of current DVDs while maintaining the standard capacity of 4,7 GB.The system features Stacked Volumetric Optical Disc (SVOD) technology, which consists of 100 ultra-thin optical discs loaded into a 6,5 cm thick cartridge. The result is a compact optical disc library system (1/10th the conventional size) capable of combining random access memory and long-term storage. When laminated on both sides, disc capacity will reach 9,4 GB, bringing the 100-disc cartridge up to near-terabyte level with 940 GB of storage.

Source: pinktentacle.comAdded: 7 June 2006