346 innovations

Personalized tissue box

MyKleenexTissue enables consumers to create their own one-of-a- kind Kleenex Ovals tissue carton incorporating personal photos, messages, and custom designs and colors.Personalized Kleenex Ovals tissue cartons are available exclusively through http://www.mykleenextissue.com , a new Web site from the Kleenex brand. Creating a custom Kleenex Ovals tissue carton design via the Web site is simple and easy. Just select a background design and color from dozens of available options, submit a digital photo, and add clip art or a personal message. Then place the order -- for just one Kleenex Ovals tissue carton, or as many as desired -- and the product is custom-printed and delivered within five to seven business days.

Source: mykleenextissue.comAdded: 26 March 2007