9 innovations containing 'water'

Fog Collection - Rainwater Harvesting

FogQuest is an innovative, international, non-governmental, non-profit organization, which implements and promotes the environmentally appropriate, socially beneficial and economically viable use of fog, rain and dew as sustainable water resources for people in arid regions of developing countries.Fog collectors are made of an inexpensive, durable plastic mesh. The mesh has fibers that efficiently collect the fog droplets and is woven to allow for rapid drainage of the collected water. The mesh is erected in vertical panels that are 4 meters high by 10 or 12 meters long. Depending on the location, each panel produces 150 to 750 liters of potable water per day during the fog season. The operational projects to date have used from 2 to 100 fog collectors. In the absence of significant rainfall, many regions still have surprising amounts of water available from fog. Fog collection has been shown to be a viable source of good quality water in many arid parts of the world. The high elevation fog is produced by wind driven clouds moving over hills. The water droplets in these clouds can be collected in enormous numbers by appropriate meshes and used to provide water to villages or for agriculture.

Source: fogquest.orgAdded: 20 February 2007